‘Plot Twist’ by Dipti Silvia Romould

A drabbish forest in the woods at night,

You tread gradually and deliberately

Holding a little Lantern by your side.

‘Coz Achulophobia and Silence is what your soul fears.

Holding your breath for a while,

You contiguously pass through it in no time.

Meanwhile, in a spur of moment

You hear footsteps advancing briskly right your way.

Hyperventilating, you jump off abashed

But then you slip into a deep aphotic well.

The lantern too drifts away

And for now, you’re caged into something you were a faint heart to.

Shackled into the clutch of darkness and gloom.

Shuffled into a well of Paroxysm

You’re boxed into an aura of utter turmoil and throw

Is there no one who could liberate me off this darkness?

Until when a passerby, who happened to be a friend,

Peeps but leaves me unexposed saying,

”You deserve to be in the darkest of everything.

You self-centred damaged being.

The World hates You.

You deserve to perish.”

says this and departs.

You scream and cry, yet no one pays heed

Unswerving in the recitation of the Orison,

Your unceasing prayer of Hope finally gets the upper hand.

And Lo! Tender little steps you hear pacing near again

You scream until your throat chokes out.

“Is there no one who can comfort, help?”

A passerby overhears though, that distant beguile.

A debilitated voice comes up to aid saying,

“Do not be afraid, I’ll help you out.

Come on give me your hand dear.

Fear not, for I’m here,” she said.

To be or not to be, is the incongruous question

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer or overcome

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

The conflict within, makes you pause and ponder over.

The Heart sayest, “Reward Her”,

she’s not like the other humans out there.

The Mind sayest, “Punish Her.”

For she too belongs to this rancorous World.

The Heart says, “Listen, to me for that’s what your soul sayest to You.”

The Mind on the other says, “Dare You to listen to it, for it’ll push you into nothing but a bottomless pit.”

But then, You suddenly clasp her hand and run over.

Instead propelling her back into the deep dark well.

“Alas! Why did you do this to me, when I availed You in times of Queer?”

she said.

“PLOT TWIST,” I say.

The World frames me as a Self-centred selfish being, even when I’m not.

But they never knew that I was made this way.

Someone had to pay for the Contempt and Vengeance.

“I Choose You.”

Au Revoir, Fair Lady!

I Depart!

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