‘A Winter Wonderland’ by Aadit Shah

He sits in a dark room
The air is pensive, watching and listening
It is witness to a boy, hurtling to his doom
But why are his eyes glistening?

He stares through glassy eyes
Through the window, he sees the snow
His own minds nature in disguise
Cold and bleak, forcing a glow

On this snowy night
He sees the colours of the rainbow blended
Giving birth to a disturbingly pure white
In a storm of overwhelming emotions, an underlying melancholy prevails. His brain is perpetually suspended

The spitting image of an anxious student’s brain
The storm outside, raging, raging, raging
The beauty of the world masked by the unending snowflake rain
The happy child in him buried by the white world. He is aging

Yet, the dismay is fought off.
To age is to grow
This growth now seems achievable when it was previously only fit to be thought of
In the frozen tundra of his mind, there are seeds to sow

Change, the sole static in this volatile visage of living
Only the rugged palm can appreciate the softness of plump skin
Oblivious to the pain it is giving

You can only move forward in life my friend
The snow shall melt, slowly but surely, taking with it the murky melancholy found in heaps of bright white
Use the heat in your heart to get rid of this sadness, melt the snow. Make amends
The darkness around you only brightens the small flickers of light

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